PT. Pandu Maha Wana, which does business as Asia Pacific Consulting Solutions (APCS) business, provides assistance throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia for those who want and are committed to transforming their natural resource management to achieve a higher balance of social-economic-environmental baselines through sustainable resource management. One of our professional foresters is Mr. Loy Jones. He is a professional forester that has been involved in all aspects of forestry and natural resource management from the forest through various manufacturing processes to final products for almost 40 years.
By mid-2017, he has taken on a private consultancy with the FSC® Asia Pacific Region Office as the Policy Manager. With that agreement, he will no longer serve as the APCS Managing Director, but will remain with APCS in a support and affiliate consulting role for forestry companies that are part of APCS partners and clients. Through these efforts APCS hopes to continue representing and supporting the concerns and positions of our clients within the FSC system.
Congratulations, Mr. Loy Debral Jones.
FSC license code FSC® C125356