PT. Pandu Maha Wana, doing business as Asia Pacific Consulting Solutions (APCS) is pleased to announce that in September 2017 the company has been officially welcomed as a member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) in the Economic Chamber. FSC is an independent, non-governmental organization located in Bonn, Germany and established to promote responsible forest management globally. Bertha Napitupulu, President Director and company representative to FSC states, “This is a major achievement for APCS since we have been committed to conservation, sustainable forest management and empowerment of our clients to achieve FSC certification since our founding in 2010”.
PT. Pandu Maha Wana provides assistance throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia for those who want, and are committed to, transforming their natural resource management to achieve a higher balance of social-economic-environmental baselines through sustainable resource management.
“Many thanks to our loyal clients, who for years have entrusted APCS to help build their internal capacity and commitment to sustainable forest management with us, and hopefully in the future, APCS will continue to provide quality service based on client needs and objectives” Bertha stated.